A few of my favorite things. Ill be adding to these lists as time moves on.
A person can never read everything, but I can recommend a few riding/traveling books.
Ride books by Werner Bausenhart
- 8 Around the Americas on a Motorcycle
- Into the Den of the Bear and the Lair of the Dragon on a Motorcycle
- Africa Against the Clock on a Motorcycle
- From Nordkapp to Cape York on a Motorcycle
Ride books by Greg Frazier
- Motorcycle Sex
- Alaska By Motorcycle
- Riding South
- Riding The World
Ride books by Ted Simon
- Jupiter's Travels
- Riding High
- Dreaming Of Jupiter
Ride books by Glen Heggstad
- Two Wheels Through Terror
- One More Day Everywhere
One Man Caravan
- by Robert Fulton, Jr.
Twice Upon A Caravan
, the DVD of some of his original movie film)
Odyssey to Ushuaia
The Road Gets Better From Here
Adventure Motorcycling Handbook
- by Chris Scott (make sure to get the latest edition)
The Longest Ride, Ten Years Around The World On A Goldwing
Mondo Enduro
These are some of the places I have enjoyed the most.
, Germany
Martin was stationed in (what used to be) West Germany while in the Army back in the 1970's.
There were several places in Europe that he really enjoyed. This was one of them.
A great city that mixes yet preserves the old and the new. Very good public transportation,
nice open areas and parks, and the Oktoberfest is lots of fun. He hasn't been back since
Germany reunified, so that is something to look forward to.
, The Netherlands
This was another. You can party in Amsterdam.
Well, duh. Colorado is home for the
, and for several good reasons. Great year-round weather
with four full seasons, lots of activities all year, and you can either avoid the urban crush
with no problem or enjoy some nice downtown areas until the mountains call you again to come play.
, Mexico
It's all about the SCUBA diving, and there's plenty of that. The drift diving makes
everything easy, and maximizes your bottom time.
, Bahamas
The best SCUBA diving I've done. A week on Blackbeard's Cruise was a great
way to relax and dive where no other boats were found.
Buenos Aires
, Argentina
I had a chance to spend a couple weeks in BsAs during my motorcycle ride around
South America and came to really enjoy the place. Plaza Dorrego was a great place
to sit under a tree with a beer and watch the tango dancers. Lots of good
public transportation, but walking around was also worthwhile.
Roads and Trails
I haven't been everywhere, but I've been on these roads and enjoyed them very much.
Million Dollar Highway - San Juan Skyway
This is a terrific loop on a bike or in a car (on a bike is better).
Ouray and Telluride make nice stops.
Colorado 141
Whichever way you go, the Unaweep Canyon and the Dolores River/San Miguel River valley
will each treat you to a wonderful ride with the surprising diversion of the Gateway
complex in the middle. You would never expect a car museum of this stature to be
out there in the canyon, but there's a reason why it's there.
, Utah
Okay, Moab is a city, not a road or trail, but c'mon... the whole area is
wonderfulness whichever road or trail you find. Can't get enough of it, on road or off.
Shelf Road and Phantom Canyon loop
, Colorado
A great day's easy, scenic mostly dirt loop.
You can start from Canon City or from Cripple Creek. Watch out for free-range
cattle and other wildlife on the Shelf Road, and some inattention on a tight twisty
cost me a broken leg. Phantom Canyon has more traffic, but some old tunnels
along the former railroad route. If you start from Colorado Springs, you can
take Gold Camp Road and Old Stage Road to the Cripple Creek area to start the loop.
Other Activities
There is more than motorcycling, to be sure.
Scuba Diving
Cozumel, Bimini, Nassau, The Great Barrier Reef, Maui, Kauai, Bonaire... diving
provides for another reason to travel to interesting places.